Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema
imagesettingslisttype Complex Type
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Accusoft Prizm Viewer List File Schema Schema : imagesettingslisttype Complex Type

Glossary Item Box


The image settings list consists of a list of ImageSettings elements.
Namespace (none)


ImageSettings Element Sequence imagesettingslisttype Complex Type


The image settings list consists of a list of ImageSettings elements.
Sequence 1..∞
ImageSettings imagesettingstype Complex Type
An image settings list contains only ImageSettings elements.
Name required xsd:NCName
The Nameattribute is used to associate image settings with an image page, page range, or image file.
InitialImageScalingFactor optional xsd:decimal
The InitialImageScalingFactor attribute is used to set the image scaling factor. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageScalingRatio optional xsd:decimal
The InitialImageScalingRatio attribute is used to set the image scaling ratio. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageLocation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The InitialImageLocation attribute is used to set the image point location. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageRectangle optional Restriction of xsd:string
The InitialImageRectangle attribute is used to set the image rectangle location. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
ImageZoomToFit optional Restriction of xsd:string
The ImageZoomToFit attribute is used to set the image fit. If this attribute is defined, the scaling method for the page is set to use this attribute.
InitialImageRotation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The InitialImageRotation attribute is used to set the initial image rotation.
InitialImageMirrorHorizontal optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageMirrorHorizontal attribute is used to set the initial image horizontal mirroring.
InitialImageMirrorVertical optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageMirrorVertical attribute is used to set the initial image vertical mirroring.
InitialImageInvertColors optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageInvertColors attribute is used to set the initial image invert colors.
InitialImageSmooth optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageSmooth attribute is used to set the initial image smoothing. This will only be applied to color images.
InitialImageBrightness optional xsd:integer
The InitialImageBrightness attribute is used to set the initial brightness. This will only be applied to color images.
InitialImageContrast optional xsd:integer
The InitialImageContrast attribute is used to set the initial image contrast. This will only be applied to color images.
InitialImageLinePreservation optional xsd:boolean
The InitialImageLinePreservation attribute is used to set the initial line preservation. This will only be applied to bitonal images.
IntrinsicImageRectangle optional Restriction of xsd:string
The IntrinsicImageRectangle attribute is used to crop the image to the specified rectangle.
IntrinsicImageRotation optional Restriction of xsd:string
The IntrinsicImageRotation attribute is used to rotate the image independent of other rotation settings. This is useful for correcting the orientation of an incorrectly orientated image pages.
IntrinsicImageMirrorHorizontal optional xsd:boolean
The IntrinsicImageMirrorHorizontal attribute is used to horizontally mirror the image independent of other mirror settings.
IntrinsicImageMirrorVertical optional xsd:boolean
The IntrinsicImageMirrorVertical attribute is used to vertically mirror the image independent of other mirror settings.
IntrinsicImageInvertColors optional xsd:boolean
The IntrinsicImageInvertColors attribute is used to invert the image's colors independent of other invert color settings. This is useful for correcting microfilm scans.

Used By


<xsd:complexType name="imagesettingslisttype" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:documentation>The image settings list consists of a list of ImageSettings elements.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:documentation>The image settings list can contain any number of ImageSettings elements.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="ImageSettings" type="imagesettingstype">
        <xsd:documentation>An image settings list contains only ImageSettings elements.</xsd:documentation>

See Also

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